Things Remembered and Things Left Unsaid
Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much.I've been writing this blog now for three years straight. Once a week I sit down and write about a topic that interests me, and I haven't missed a single week since I started. Sometimes that is an extremely hard schedule to meet. Through it all I've learned and remembered a few things about writing, I've struggled through several especially challenging posts, and I've appreciated everyone who's taken the time to read what I've had to say. I hope it's been insightful.-Robert Greenleaf
Baca Juga
Writing this blog isn't exactly like relationships in a novel, of course. We're not in a major conflict that we're trying to resolve, but the desire to reach our own conclusions is the same. The best writings I've read aren't good so much because everything was explained in plain, indisputable language, but because it sparked ideas in my own mind and allowed me to fill in the gaps with compelling thoughts. It's much more engaging to read something that makes you think, and allows you to take ideas and expand on them. I find that it's a hard thing to do when writing, to say enough to paint a clear picture of the topic, but not create so much detail that the picture gets muddled and confused. It's a delicate balance.
Another aspect of writing that I'm continually aware of, and that I learned in high school is how hard but important it is to avoid Hefty Bag Words. This is an idea that has stuck with me ever since my Research and Comp class in 10th grade. I had an amazing teacher, Mrs. Hoffman, and I remember much of what she taught in that class, but nothing so much as Hefty Bag Words. The idea was that these words are used so often that they have basically lost all meaning, and should be bagged up and thrown in the trash. We were not allowed to use these words in our papers ever. Every time you used a Hefty Bag Word, you were immediately docked some number of points (5 points, if memory serves). It didn't matter one whit if the word fit well or not. If you needed to rephrase the sentence or restructure an entire paragraph to get rid of it, then that's what you had to do. Here are the ten Hefty Bag Words:
- there
- really
- very
- many
- things/stuff
- society
- which
- just
- interesting
- some
These are hard words to remove from your writing. I'm already guilty of using 'things' twice in the title and three times in the body of this post, not counting the times I was referring to the word itself. (It's a good thing Mrs. Hoffman isn't grading this post.) Even though I do use all of those words periodically in my writing, in the end I don't think it's entirely bad. The point is not to completely eliminate these and other mostly meaningless words from your writing, but to make the use of them count. Be as explicit as you can in your writing, and recognize when you're falling back on a vague filler word because it's easy.
So I've learned a lot over the past three years of blogging, and I've practiced writing more than at any other point in my life. It has been a worthwhile experience, and now I'm at somewhat of a transition point. Whereas at the end of the past two years of writing I found myself with more ideas for topics than I had before, this year I find my list winding down. I have a few more ideas that I can write about now, but only a handful. In addition, I have more ideas that I'd like to write about, but I haven't had the time to learn enough about them to feel competent enough to write about them. I'm also finding that I need more time to work on other projects.
Working on other projects and having extra time to read more will give me more to write about, but I have to have the time to experiment and learn first. That means I'm planning on tapering off my writing schedule a bit. Instead of writing a 2,000 word post every week, I'll shoot for once or twice per month and try to trim down the length as well. That will give me more time to learn new, um, stuff, and keep this blog somewhat, er, well, interesting. Happy Holidays, and watch out for those Hefty Bag Words.
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